
Breadth #9

So this was my attempt to create a more abstract piece. I started with a sheet of black paper and used an x-acto knife to cut out an outline of a tree. Then I layered the cut paper on top of a canvas that I had poured paints on and gone back in with colored markers. Then I covered the entire thing with a layer of clear gel medium. Now that I'm rethinking the piece, I wish I had created the cut paper tree so that the paper created the negative space around the tree and the colored background filled in the positive space. Either way, I think the piece would have turned out pretty well.


  1. I like this piece because the composition is interesting, and you've used repetition and rhythm through the tree branches. I really admire your ability to create those small, seemingly random but successful designs in the background. Another strong piece yay.!

  2. I like this piece because the main interest is defined by negative space. I like the contrast of the design in the background and the solid black tree.

  3. This is so beautiful. I would buy it. I'm not even too sure about how I stumbled upon this but I'm in love.
