
Breadth #5

OK, I admit that this is one of the stranger projects I've done in a while. The only way I can explain it is to tell you that my goal this week was to create a piece that conveyed a message to the viewer. I citra-solved an image of an atomic bomb mushroom cloud in the distance and created a scene in which a small bird is looking off at the devastation. In his mind, it is doubtful that he senses much danger, for the cloud resembles the simple mushrooms beside him. But it's ironic because this seemingly innocent cloud will destroy habitats, creatures, and humans. So there is my little anti-neucleur weapon speech. Anyways, I created the foreground with bunched up paper towels which I watercolored and drew on with markers. I created the bird, mushrooms, and vegetation with cut paper which I drew on top of with markers. This piece still needs some work, but I think it is interesting.


  1. I can definitely sympathize with trying to make a piece with "content" and thinking that it may be rather "strange" (haha)...your thought process is really evident in this work--I really like your ideas. As always you're really creative with the mixed media (paper towels-awesome) and I like the drastic shadows (makes you think of nuclear war). I think you could emphasize the bird more and develop the leaves a bit more. But I like this!! :D

  2. Good job! you did great with the citrasolve and great with the markers. I agree with daniel that you should bring the bird and leaves forward a little.
