
Concentration #8

For this concentration piece, I felt inspired to create an image full of movement and intricate detail. I chose to create a contrast structure using maple seeds (aka helicopter seed pods). The contrast of gravity gives the image a really interesting realistic/abstract feel. To create this piece, I layered acrylic paints, metalic paints, and markers. The dripping lines of paint create engaging leading lines to draw the viewers eye down to the bottom left corner toward the concentration of helicopter seeds. The lines in combination with the falling seed pods give the illusion that the helicopters are spinning through the air as they drop to the ground. The detailed dots tracing the paint drip lines also emphasize this falling motion. I am pleased with my color choice the variety of values in the artwork and feel that overall, it is an interesting and engaging piece. I really had fun making this :)


  1. Almost feels like its raining confeddy. love the desgin of the spining seeds. great work on make them more concentrated in one area. I do feel, color wise, that this is your darkest piece which is deffinetly a change in stlye. not sure the red bottom part really works but hey Its still awesome.

  2. Good work. This piece clearly shows an emerging voice and has much more energy to it! I would still like to see you develop it even further and continue to add marks and develop your highlights further. I'm thinking paint pens? Overall, well done and I am proud of you! :)
