
Concentration #2

Here is my concentration piece #2. I started off with a watercolor base and then layered acrylic paint on top to create the roots. I went back in with colored Sharpies to add more color and contast. The use of mixed media resulted in an interesting composition. The piece has a strong value range and is somewhat of a radial\concentration design structure. After hearing one suggestion, I think I will go back and continue to work on the piece to further highlight my theme of "man's connection to nature." My plan is for my pieces to evolve to show the different roles humans have concerning nature (ie destruction of the natural world and/or the natural world's healing affects on man). In this piece, I was trying to show that mother nature is a force much more powerful than what many superficial humans see; the flower itself is only the tip of the iceberg.


  1. Kristen, this turned out soooo good! Wow you really improved it a lot. I love the contrast and the combination of markers and watercolor. It's also really cool how the above-ground part is so peaceful and the underground part is so busy. The one suggestion I have is to maybe do something to make the "roots" look more like people, somehow. But I am impressed :D

  2. Wow like Daniel said this piece has come a long way from just wensday I really love the high amount of contrast that you used in the piece. I think that your concentration is going to turn out very well, I can see the conection very clearly and really think that the collection as a whole will be a very strong start on what you send to the judges.

  3. Great job, this turned out magnificently! I love how vibrant the colors are and how they make the roots and flower just pop right out of the picture. I also like what you did with the sky. Bravo!

  4. I really like the richness of the layering on the ground and roots of this. While the flower and sky are very simplistic it is a nice contrast to have such a busy tangle of roots underground. I also think the investigation of nature is furthered in this second work. All together this piece is very stiking and catches the viewer's attention.

  5. This piece is awesome kristen! I really like the way that you developed it and made it tie into your concentration alot more. I like how you chose to incorporate the human figures into the pieces you are creating for the concentration. You also communicated your message to the viewer very effectively. GOOD JOBBBB!!!

    PS-Puggs :)

  6. Kristen,
    The strongest aspect about this piece is the contrast. I was surprised when I loaded the image because it needed no adjustments. You did a great job layering your mark-making and building up the root structure. What works for you so well is your whimsical drawing style. I would for you to focus on your "happiness" when drawing and your ability to play. While you have a serious investigation, your personal art style and hidden figures make the work intriguing. One suggestion that I have is to layer the top portion of the composition with mark-making in a similar style to what you have developed at the bottom. I am pleased with your obvious personal growth so far!
