
Junior Year Work

Yea, so I realize that this image isupside down, but I doubt anyone will look at it and if they do, I really doubt they would care. It looks fine upside down. And plus, I'm sleepy. So here you go. Voila. Art.

A sideways image of a piece that I did last year in pre-AP art class as a sophomore. I really like it, so why not put it in here with the new ones?


This piece is one showing repetition with broken circles while reversing my colors every other row. Being that yellow and purple are on the opposite sides of the color wheel, the combination of the two creates and interesting feel. I like the simplicity :).


This piece I did for fun one weekend. I had no idea where I was going with the artwork, but I kept adding details and just had fun with it. I like the complexity :).


I love looking at this project, because with minimal markings, I was able to create a three dimentional design on a two dimentional piece of paper.

Good night aight

1 comment:

  1. Kristen- I really like the Owl piece that you did and I am going to suggest over the summer that you continue the layering and mark-making that you have been experiementing with. I also like the theme of owls. I am thinking of bringing live owls into the classroom next year for life drawing!
    Great blog!
