
Concentration #12

It's refreshing to post my final concentration piece :). I had fun with this one and I feel that it is a good piece to end my concentration with. The radiation structure is interesting because the center point is located in the top corner as opposed to the center of the composition and I love the colors and patterns that resulted. With this final piece I included doodles, ribbons, fabric, netting and even paper towel that I had cleaned my paint brushes with. The colors and composition create a very joyful and bright mood. Although I plan to continue my work on this piece, I am proud of how it turned out.

I recommend you to click on the image to view it larger because of the minute details. Thanks :)


  1. this one is awesome. the texture that you created with the markers makes it so muchmore interesting. You took a somewhat cliche view of the sun and turned it into something personal and original. Each ray looks like cloth! its amazing! you did such a great job on your concentration.

  2. Kristen,
    WOW! I really like this one the best. You have come soo far, I love all the details you have put in this piece. I know you worked hard on this piece and it shows :) (By the way, I am also glad that you picked the sun instead of the lightning). I would not change anything in this!

  3. Well done! My one suggestion is that I still think this piece is begging for more mark-making to give it the same life that your mountain landscape has. I would like you to sit in a window or outside in the sunshine and really take in how the light reflects off objects, etc. as I think that with this piece you are missing the patterning references that only come from actual observation.

  4. the multimedia you used is nicely varied. I like trying to figure out what each ray is made of. nice job
