
Junior Year Work

Yea, so I realize that this image isupside down, but I doubt anyone will look at it and if they do, I really doubt they would care. It looks fine upside down. And plus, I'm sleepy. So here you go. Voila. Art.

A sideways image of a piece that I did last year in pre-AP art class as a sophomore. I really like it, so why not put it in here with the new ones?


This piece is one showing repetition with broken circles while reversing my colors every other row. Being that yellow and purple are on the opposite sides of the color wheel, the combination of the two creates and interesting feel. I like the simplicity :).


This piece I did for fun one weekend. I had no idea where I was going with the artwork, but I kept adding details and just had fun with it. I like the complexity :).


I love looking at this project, because with minimal markings, I was able to create a three dimentional design on a two dimentional piece of paper.

Good night aight

Radial Design Structure

This piece seemed like a simple idea to me at first, using only circles to create a pattern. But as I went, the overlapping became more and more complex. The circles not overlapped are black. When two cirlces overlap, that area is white. When three circles overlap, it goes back to black.



Well.. There you go

Silkscreen -Warhol Style

Matrix: I am repeating my printed images in a repetition structure using varied colors of ink and paper. Consequently, there is a strong focus on rhythm, balance, and variety. Shape, form, and color all are very strong in the piece.

Engaging Design: Like many of Warhol's works, I used a simple repetition structure. However, I flipped a number of my images so that they are not all facing in the same direction. His style of overlapping images ontop of one another inspired me to use multiple prints to create a shadowing effect.

Effective Integration of Concepts and Design: As I have already said twice, I am using a repetition structure. I am trying to communicate the idea that mass media has a grabbing effect on society and all that comes in contact with it. It urges others to conform and the image of the hand coming out of the television strengthens the idea. I am reflecting mass media upon itself.

Informed Risk-Taking Beyond Technically Controlling the Medium: Again, my repetition structure has overlapping prints. The arrangement of my images (some flipped) shows a risk. I experimented with a number of different color combinations and layering until I found the way that best portrays my message about the media.

Original Vision: This piece is alot darker than any other piece I have done in a while. But it is definitly an original image of mine because not only did I alter the colors of the television photograph I found, I also used photoshop to create a completely different image (the hand). I really hope this piece doesn't reflect my personality or humour.. Haha, I think I'm a fairly light and positive person.

Excellence in Quality: I was able to create very neat and clean prints by using a minimal amount of ink and a unique ink spreading technique..

My piece effectively deals with the concept of consumerism and the influence of the media. At the same time, it pushes the boundaries of portraiture by focussing on something other than a face.