

Hi! So I've been at RISD for a week as of today and I thought I would upload pictures of the few things I've done so far. If possible, I am going to try keep posting all year long to let people see the kind of art I'm doing. I love it here, it's already starting to feel like home. RISD is amazing and I want to show everyone how beautiful it is, so I'll leave a few photos. Love and miss you all :)
dorm room
summer sketchbook display
nature lab

downtown providence

Paper Sphere #1

Assignment: make 3 spheres out of paper, tape, and string.
Sphere #1

Self Portrait Day 1

Assignment: a charcoal self-portrait of you and your identical twin who was captured by gypsies as a baby. weird. Gypsy me not shown.
This is the portrait before I added more contrast and shading. My senile drawing teacher took the finished piece, so I'm not tooo sure if I'll ever get it back..

Nude Drawing

voila, my first drawing of a nude model. but trust me, I did the woman some favors on the page. I thought it would just be nice to leave out the cellulite and deflating boobs. I'll try for a more realistic approach next time haha